Lawyer in Mykolaiv

Legal services, a lawyer in Mykolaiv for citizens and businesses, legal assistance and defense in court.

Legal services, Lawyer in Mykolaiv, Law firm

Contacts in Ukraine:
+380 67 208 7615

Law firms provide clients with the legal services of a lawyer in Mykolaiv.


Law firm - Lawyer in Mykolaiv:

Lawyer Services in Mykolaiv:

Additional Services in Mykolaiv:


Legal services for companies and citizens are provided in Mykolaiv. Also, the lawyers and attorneys provide legal services in Mykolaiv, in other cities of Ukraine, as well as abroad. The lawyers of the law firm have many years of legal experience and provide Ukrainian and international clients with legal services.


Services of a lawyer in Mykolaiv


  • Legal advice of a lawyer in Mykolaiv concerning the legislation of Ukraine; services of a lawyer in Mykolaiv in court cases: case management in court; lawyer services for foreigners in Mykolaiv; preparation of court documents; obtaining documents in Mykolaiv from the Registry Office and other authorities: certificate, apostille, legalization of documents at the consulate.
  • Family lawyer in Mykolaiv: divorce (divorce from a foreigner), international divorce, division of property;
  • Registration of inheritance in Mykolaiv, inheritance for real estate for citizens of Ukrainian and international clients, law for inheritance in Mykolaiv, inheritance by will and by law registration of inheritance abroad;
  • Lawyer for real estate transactions support in Mykolaiv, legal support and purchase of the real estate for a foreigner; lawyer for real estate in Mykolaiv, legal support and the purchase of real estate abroad;
  • Lawyer for debt collection in Mykolaiv, debt collection under contracts, support of enforcement proceedings; international commercial arbitration: representation of interests; debt collection abroad.


Mykolaiv lawyers and attorneys of law firms provide legal services and assistance to clients in Mykolaiv, in the Mykolaiv region, in Ukraine, and abroad.



Lawyer services for clients from Mykolaiv, in Ukraine, and abroad:

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