Legal services, a lawyer in Chernivtsi for citizens and businesses, legal assistance and defense in court.
Lawyers in Chernivtsi practice law, and provide professional legal services, consulting services, and legal assistance in Chernivtsi for Ukrainian and international clients (for citizens and firms) in legal cases of various complexity.
Law firm - Lawyer in Chernivtsi:
Lawyer Services in Chernivtsi:
Additional Services in Chernivtsi:
The lawyers of the law firm provide legal services and legal representation in Chernivtsi and other cities of Ukraine. Our professional lawyers in Chernivtsi provide legal services to clients in English and other foreign languages.
Legal services in Chernivtsi
- Legal advice of a lawyer in Chernivtsi and legal services under the law of Ukraine; legal services of lawyers in Chernivtsi and legal assistance, representation, and protection in court and law enforcement bodies; appeal against court decisions; legal investigations; drafting of legal documents and contracts; legal services for foreigners in Chernivtsi in foreign languages; receipt of personal documents in Chernivtsi from the Registry Office (certificate, archival certificate); apostille on documents and consular legalization of documents.
- Family lawyer in Chernivtsi in family law in Chernivtsi: representation in family court disputes, the divorce between citizens of Ukraine (divorce from a foreigner in Chernivtsi), international divorce, division of property, deprivation of parental rights, the establishment of paternity through the court, adoption;
- Lawyer for real estate in Chernivtsi and housing law in Chernivtsi: legal support of transactions on the sale and purchase of the real estate, preparation of documents for the purchase of the real estate by a foreigner, notarial registration of real estate transactions, opening an account for the purchase of the real estate by a foreigner; Legal support for transactions on the purchase of real estate abroad;
- Lawyer for inheritance in Chernivtsi and inheritance law in Chernivtsi: registration of inheritance in Chernivtsi for real estate, business, bank account, land share, registration of inheritance by will and by law, restoration of the term for inheritance acceptance, registration and division of inheritance through the court; contestation of inheritance, invalidation of wills; inheritance abroad;
- Lawyer in civil law in Chernivtsi: civil disputes appeal against the transactions, compensation for damage;
- Lawyer for debt collection in Chernivtsi: debt collection from citizens, seizure of debtor's property and accounts; defense of a debtor, appeal against a court decision on debt recovery; support and supervision of enforcement proceedings;
- Immigration and registration of residence permits abroad through the purchase of real estate, investments, and business.
- Registration of LLC in Chernivtsi - registration of limited liability company and entrepreneur: corporate law, business purchase, and sale transaction support; business investment, LLC registration for foreigner in Chernivtsi; tax consulting and optimization; registration of firm abroad and legal support;
- Services of a lawyer for business in Chernivtsi: commercial law and services of a lawyer in economic law, representation; administrative law and support of administrative disputes; tax law and tax optimization;
- Debt recovery services in Chernivtsi for firms under contracts; support of the execution of court decisions on debt recovery; execution of international commercial arbitration decisions and foreign court decisions, seizure of debtor's assets; recovery of debts from firms abroad.
Chernivtsi lawyers of the law firm provide legal services and assistance to Ukrainian and international clients in the Chernivtsi region, in the regions of Ukraine, and abroad.