Certificate of Marital Status from Ukraine

Certificate of marital status from Ukraine for marriage registration abroad.

Certificate of family status, certificate of marital status from Ukraine

Contacts in Ukraine:
+380 67 208 7615


A Certificate of Marital Status, also known as a Declaration of Absence of Marriage, is a vital document required for marriage registration purposes. This declaration is particularly necessary for individuals seeking marriage with foreigners abroad. Citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons residing in Ukraine or abroad must present this certificate to validate their marital status before marriage registration in foreign countries.


According to legislation, individuals can obtain a certificate confirming the absence of a registered marriage. This certificate is prepared by a notary on a specialized form, containing personal information and affirming that the applicant is not currently married.


Types of family certificates - Certificate of marital status from Ukraine (about family status):


  • The person has never been and is not currently married.
  • The citizen is not in a marriage (for individuals who have terminated their marriage).
  • Declaration from a citizen confirming the fact that the person is a widower.


The validity period of the declaration varies for different countries. On average, the validity period of the certificate abroad is 3 months.


We also provide services for document legalization, apostille endorsement on the certificate, translation of the document on marital status into a foreign language in translation bureaus, sworn translation of the certificate.


Restoration and Obtaining documents from the civil registry office in Ukraine:
