International Adoption in Ukraine

Interstate or international adoption of a child by foreigners in Ukraine, preparation of documents for the adoption of a child by foreigners, adoption of a child through the court by foreign citizens.

Supporting the adoption of a child by foreigners, international adoption in Ukraine

Services not available.

The International adoption of a child by foreigners is necessary to ensure harmonious and stable living conditions for a child who has no parents. Foreign adopters of a child through international adoption can be Ukrainian citizens who live abroad and foreign citizens.


Adoption support - International adoption in Ukraine:



The process of international adoption of children by foreigners is carried out through the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (Department of International Adoption of Children).


International adoption services in Ukraine:


  • Legal consultation of an family lawyer for international adoption;
  • legal support for the international adoption of a child by foreigners;
  • representation of interests of foreign adoptive parents in state bodies of Ukraine and social services in case of international adoption;
  • professional services for the translation of documents for adoption from a foreign language, certification of translated documents by a notary;
  • legal preparation of documents to the court on the adoption of a child by foreign adoptive parents and other documents for international adoption;
  • representation of interests in the court for international adoption;
  • registration of documents for an adopted child to travel abroad for permanent residence and more.


Our experienced family lawyers for international adoption will professionally help to collect and prepare all documents for international adoption and will represent the interests of foreign adoptive parents in the Ukrainian court in a legal case on the adoption of a child.


Documents for adoption in Ukraine:


  • Application for registration of an adoptive parent as a candidate for adoptive parents of a child;
  • Income documents of adoptive parents (salary certificate or income tax return);
  • Marriage and birth certificates of adoptive parents;
  • Health certificates of the adoptive parent;
  • Consent to adoption;
  • Certificate of no criminal record;
  • The conclusion of the social authority of the country in which the adoptive parents live, confirms the possibility of being an adoptive parent;
  • Permission from the competent authority of the country of residence of the adoptive parent for the entry for permanent residence of the child who is being adopted;
  • Passports of the adoptive parents or other documents that prove the identity of the adoptive parents;
  • Documents of ownership of residential real estate abroad;
  • Obligations of applicants to register a child with a Ukrainian consular office or diplomatic mission abroad and other documents.


Documents for international adoption are considered by a special commission. After examining the documents for adoption, applicants are assigned the status of candidates for adoptive parents and an opinion is issued. After the conclusion, the candidate for adoptive parents receives a referral to meet the child. After meeting the child, documents are prepared and the conclusion of the possibility of adopting the child by foreigners. The last stage is the preparation of documents, submission of documents to the court, and the adoption of a child by foreigners through the court (obtaining a court decision on the adoption of a child by foreigners).


Stages of international adoption in Ukraine:


  • written application of foreign adoptive parents with an application to the Adoption Center;
  • consideration of an application for the desire to become adoptive parents and registration of foreigners as candidates for adoption;
  • providing foreign adoptive parents with personal information about the child, and issuing a referral for organizing acquaintance with the child;
  • after establishing contact with the child - an application by foreign adoptive parents with a statement at the location of the child about their desire to adopt a child (preparation of a conclusion on the advisability of adopting a child by foreigners);
  • applying with the Adoption Center with an application for issuing a permit to foreigners to adopt a child;
  • going to court and judicial consideration of an application for the adoption of a child by foreigners;
  • judicial consideration of the application and the issuance of a court decision on the adoption of a child by foreigners (obtaining a court decision on the adoption that has entered into legal force);
  • preparation of new child documents (child's birth certificate) and other documents for traveling abroad for permanent residence;
  • registration of a child on consular registration abroad. 


The decision on the adoption of a child by foreigners is made by the court. When adopting a child, the court, at the request of the adoptive parents, may amend the child's data - the child's birth certificate: change the child's surname, first name, and date of birth. After receiving the court decision, the adoptive parents are obliged to personally pick up the adopted child.


Requirements for an adoptive parent: adoptive parents must be adults and capable persons; adoptive parents must be at least 15 years older than the child; adoptive parents must be at least twenty-one years old (except in cases of adoption of a child by relatives); the age difference between the adoptive parents and the child cannot exceed 45 years.


Documents that are submitted by foreigners for adoption must be legalized for Ukraine (an Apostille stamp is placed). After that, the documents are translated from foreign into Ukrainian and the translation of documents is notarized by a Ukrainian notary in Ukraine.