Crypto consulting

Legal crypto consulting and project support based on Blockchain technologies and other digital business services and platforms, legal and tax consulting, support of cryptocurrency projects and mining projects.

Blockchain, legal crypto consulting

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Cryptocurrencies are developing and gaining popularity in the world. Blockchain technology is the fastest growing digital business in the world. Lawyers and consultants of the law firm provide clients with legal and tax consulting services (Crypto Consulting) for crypto projects, as well as support crypto projects related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, legal support of mining projects (Mining) and miners.

Cryptocurrency consulting services:


  • legal advice on cryptocurrencies, ICOs, tokens (Token) and other cryptocurrency cases;
  • advice on company registration and business operation, opening accounts for investment and business operation in the field of digital assets and technologies;
  • advice on investments and investments in digital and other assets;
  • support in legal disputes related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain and investments;
  • purchase (investment), use of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets;
  • placement of cryptocurrencies, purchase of digital assets, sale of assets, storage in cryptocurrencies in electronic wallets;
  • declaration, reporting, licenses and more.
Investments in Blockchain and other digital assets have a great return on investment and investors receive large and stable returns. There are a large number of cryptocurrencies in the world, the most popular of which are Bitcoin, Altcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, NXT, Dash, PPCoin, Nem.
In many countries, different attitudes towards digital assets on the part of government, tax and law enforcement agencies, and private investors and companies face problems when investing in ICOs and cryptocurrencies. In case of violation of the law, private investors and investment companies can be brought to administrative or criminal liability. Consulting in the field of cryptocurrencies, in each specific jurisdiction, is necessary for the effective and successful operation of a business when working with digital assets.
Our law firm is not an organizer and does not conduct an ICO. We provide exclusively legal services and consulting support in the field of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.