Registration of a Company in Portugal

Registration of a Company in Portugal, company registration, entrepreneur registration, preparation of company founding documents and registration documents, company registration with foreign founders in Portugal, selection of the organizational and legal form of business organization in Portugal.

Opening a company in Portugal, Registration of a Company in Portugal, registering a company in Portugal, starting a business

Portugal, nestled on the western edge of the Iberian Peninsula, has emerged as an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand into the European market. With its strategic location, favorable business environment, and supportive government policies, Portugal offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors.


Company Formation - Registration of a Company in Portugal:



Before diving into the registration process, it is essential to understand the various legal forms of companies you can establish in Portugal.


Legal Forms of Companies in Portugal:


  • Sociedade por Quotas (Limitada) - LDA. The LDA is the most common form of company in Portugal. It is equivalent to a limited liability company and requires at least one shareholder and one director. The liability of shareholders is limited to their capital contributions.
  • Sociedade Anónima (SA). Similar to a public limited company (PLC) in other jurisdictions, an SA in Portugal is a company with share capital, offering its shares to the public. The minimum required share capital is higher than an LDA, and it must have at least five shareholders.
  • Empresário em Nome Individual (ENI). This legal form is suitable for sole traders or self-employed individuals. The individual is personally liable for the company's debts..


Registering a company in Portugal involves several steps.


Steps for Company Registration in Portugal:


  • Choose a Business Name in Portugal. Select a unique name for your company. Ensure it is not already in use by another entity to prevent any potential conflicts during the registration process.
  • Obtain a Fiscal Number in Portugal (NIF). Before registering the company, all stakeholders, including shareholders and directors, must obtain a Fiscal Number (Número de Identificação Fiscal - NIF) from the Portuguese tax authorities (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira - AT).
  • Draft the Articles of Association in Portugal. Prepare the Articles of Association (Escritura Pública) with the help of a lawyer. This document outlines the company's name, purpose, registered address, share capital, distribution of profits, and other important details.
  • Open a Bank Account in Portugal. Open a business bank account in Portugal and deposit the minimum share capital required for the chosen legal form.
  • Notary and Company Registration. For an LDA, the Articles of Association must be notarized. After notarization, the company must be registered with the Portuguese Commercial Registry (Registo Comercial) under the Ministry of Justice. For an SA, a public deed must be executed before a notary.
  • Register with the Tax Authority in Portugal. Following company registration, you must register with the Portuguese Tax Authority to obtain a tax identification number (Número de Identificação de Pessoa Coletiva - NIPC) and register for various taxes.
  • Register with Social Security in Portugal. If your company plans to hire employees, you must register with the Social Security authorities (Segurança Social) as an employer.


Legal Obligations and Regulations in Portugal. Once your company is registered, you must comply with various legal obligations and regulations:


  • Accounting and Financial Reporting. Maintain accurate accounting records and prepare annual financial statements in accordance with Portuguese accounting standards. The financial statements must be filed with the Portuguese tax authorities and the Commercial Registry.
  • Taxation in Portugal. Fulfill tax obligations, including Corporate Income Tax (IRC), Value Added Tax (VAT), and other applicable taxes.
  • Employment Regulations. Adhere to Portuguese labor laws when hiring employees. Familiarize yourself with employee rights, working hours, and other employment regulations.
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM). Public limited companies are required to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) within a specific timeframe to discuss company affairs and financial statements.


Registering a company in Portugal can be a rewarding venture, offering access to the vibrant European market and a business-friendly environment. Engaging professional assistance from lawyers, accountants, and business consultants can simplify the process and ensure compliance with Portuguese laws and regulations.