Residence Permit in Spain

Residence Permit in Spain. Legal services for obtaining a residence permit. Obtain a residence in Spain. Lawyer for residence permit. Visas to Spain. Golden Visa.

Residence in Spain, Obtain a residence permit in Spain

Contacts in Spain:
+34 691 49 39 61

Residence Permit in Spain. Spain, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and excellent quality of life, is a popular destination for people seeking to live and work in Europe. If you're considering making Spain your new home, you'll need to understand the process of applying for a residence permit.


Immigration and Residence Permit in Spain:



Spain offers various types of residence permits, each tailored to different circumstances and individual needs.


The main categories of residence permits in Spain:


  • Golden Visa: This visa is available to individuals who make a significant investment in Spain, such as buying property worth over €500,000 or investing €1 million in Spanish assets.
  • Self-Employed Work Visa: If you plan to be self-employed or start your own business in Spain (need to demonstrate the viability of business and meet certain financial requirements).
  • Family Reunification Visa: If you have a family member who is a Spanish citizen or a legal resident.
  • Residence Visa for Employees: This visa is tied to employment, and you must renew it annually until you are eligible for a long-term residence permit.
  • Temporary Asylum in Spain: Is a humanitarian mechanism provided by the Spanish government to individuals who are fleeing violence, or dire living conditions in their countries. Allows to stay in Spain temporarily, under the protection of the state.
  • Student Visa: If you intend to study in Spain, you'll need to apply for a student visa (for the duration of your studies).
  • Retirement Visa: Spain offers a "non-lucrative visa" for retirees with a stable income that allows them to live in Spain without working.


Residence permits in Spain are often issued for a specific duration and may require annual renewals. Need to keep employment, business, or other circumstances in compliance with the original permit requirements. Applying for a residence permit in Spain can be a complex and sometimes time-consuming process. It's essential to understand the specific requirements based on your situation and ensure you have all the necessary documentation in order.


Process of applying for a residence permit:


  • Secure a Visa: Depending on situation, need to obtain the appropriate visa from the Spanish consulate or embassy abroad.
  • Travel to Spain: Once you have your visa, you can enter Spain and begin the residence permit application process.
  • Register with Local Authorities: After your arrival, you will need to register with the local police within the first few days.
  • Submit Required Documents: The specific documents required can vary based on the type of permit you're applying for.
  • Fingerprinting and Biometrics: You will be required to provide biometric data, including fingerprints and a photograph.
  • Background Checks: The authorities will conduct background checks to ensure you have no criminal record.
  • Health Insurance: Some residence permits may require proof of health insurance.
  • Pay Fees: There are application fees associated with residence permits.
  • Wait for Approval.


Once you obtain a residence permit, you'll enjoy various rights and benefits in Spain. These may include access to healthcare, education, and social services, among others. The specific entitlements can vary based on the type of residence permit you hold.


Applying for a residence permit in Spain can be a complex and sometimes time-consuming process. It's essential to understand the specific requirements based on your situation and ensure you have all the necessary documentation in order.


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