Immigration to Spain

Immigration services in Spain for foreigners. Obtaining a residence permit, visas, Spanish residency, citizenship. Immigration to Spain. Preparation of documents for immigration. Immigration lawyer in Spain. Spanish immigration law.

Immigration services in Spain, Immigration to Spain, Immigration lawyer in Spain

+34 691 49 39 61

Spain, with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities, has long been a favored destination for immigrants. Navigating the intricacies of Spanish immigration law can be a daunting task, making the assistance of an immigration lawyer invaluable. Immigration lawyers in Spain offers a range of immigration services to foreign citizens on immigration to Spain.


Immigration lawyer - Immigration to Spain:



Spanish immigration law regulates issues of changing residence, applying for a visa to Spain, obtaining a residence permit in Spain (permiso de residencia), obtaining Spanish citizenship, and other issues of immigration law.


Immigration services in Spain:


  • Consultation and Visa Advice: Immigration lawyers in Spain provide assistance right from the beginning of immigration journey. They offer initial consultations to assess individual circumstances and provide advice on the most suitable visa options available, to help understand the specific laws and regulations.
  • Visa Application and Documentation: Immigration lawyers will assist in preparing and submitting your visa application, gathering the necessary documentation, collection of documents abroad for immigration.
  • Residency Permits and Renewals: Spain offers various types of visas and residence permits, and temporary asylum in Spain. Immigration lawyers help understand the various types of residence permits (each type has its own set of requirements and application procedures).
  • Family Reunification: Immigration lawyers specialize in family reunification cases, helping reunite spouses, children, and other close relatives.
  • Work and Entrepreneurial Visas: Spain offers various visa options for those seeking employment or entrepreneurial opportunities. Immigration lawyers are well-versed in these categories and can help you secure work permits, self-employment visas, or visas for entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Appeal and Legal Representation: In cases where visa or residency applications are denied, immigration lawyers can provide valuable support. They have experience in the appeals process and can represent you before the immigration authorities or the Spanish courts if necessary.
  • Citizenship Applications: Immigration lawyers guide through the naturalization process. They advise on eligibility requirements, help compile the necessary documentation, and ensure application complies with Spanish nationality laws.
  • Compliance with Spanish Immigration Laws: Staying in Spain legally involves complying with the country's immigration laws and regulations. Immigration lawyers help understand obligations as a resident or visa holder.
  • Financial Guidance: Lawyers assist in opening a bank account, understanding the tax system, and making informed financial decisions. They can also provide guidance on managing finances efficiently.


The main factor for immigration to Spain and obtaining a residence permit is the correct preparation and execution of documents, as well as choosing the best option for immigration to Spain. Spain offers a wide range of immigration visas to accommodate various needs and circumstances.


Types of Immigration Visas to Spain:


  • Schengen Visa: This is a short-stay visa that allows to stay in Spain and other Schengen Area countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period (for tourists, business travelers, and individuals attending conferences or short courses).
  • Non-Lucrative Visa: If private person - foreigner plan to retire, live off savings or investments, or simply enjoy a sabbatical in Spain.
  • Work Visa: Employer will typically initiate this process, and need to provide documents such as your employment contract, proof of qualifications, and proof of health insurance. The work visa allows to live and work in Spain for the duration of employment.
  • Student Visa: If you plan to pursue your studies in Spain, a student visa is necessary. Need to provide an acceptance letter from a recognized educational institution and prove that you can financially support yourself during your stay.
  • Entrepreneur Visa: If you have a business idea and the financial resources to start a company in Spain, you can apply for an entrepreneur visa.
  • Family Reunification Visa: If you have family members who are Spanish citizens or legal residents, you can apply for a family reunification visa. This allows you to join your family in Spain.
  • Golden Visa: Spain offers a unique opportunity for investors. The Golden Visa program grants residency to individuals who make a significant investment in Spanish real estate, public debt, or job creation.
  • Residence Visa for Financially Independent Persons: If you have sufficient financial resources and can demonstrate that you won't need to work in Spain.
  • Research Visa: Researchers, scientists, and academics can apply for a research visa to work in Spanish research institutions or universities.
  • A Religious Worker Visa: Individuals planning to work in religious organizations or institutions can apply for this visa.


For each of the methods of immigration and obtaining a residence permit in Spain, there is a list of required documents and a registration procedure. The decision to obtain a residence permit in Spain or to obtain citizenship is made by the state authorities.


The criteria for migration in Spain are different and depend on the categories of countries, citizenship, or residence of persons who apply for immigration to Spain. For citizens of the European Union and most Latin American countries, there is a preferential migration regime.


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