Family Lawyer in Poland

Family law, family lawyer in Poland for citizens and foreigners in family disputes.

Family law in Poland, family lawyer in Poland, family disputes

+48 515 545 99

Family lawyer in Poland provides clients with family law services in Poland in cities in Poland. You can always use the services of a Polish family lawyer in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and other languages.


Family disputes - Family lawyer in Poland:



Our family lawyers in Poland specialize in Polish family law and have extensive experience representing clients on family disputes under Polish law.


Family Lawyer Services in Poland:


  • Legal Advice to a family lawyer in Poland;
  • Representation of a family lawyer in Poland;
  • Divorce in Poland, legal support and invalidation of marriage, negotiation to resolve legal issues that arise in the process of divorce, dissolution of marriage with a foreigner in Poland, international divorce;
  • Division of Marital Property, settlement of disputes related to property and money;
  • Cmmunication with the child and child support, participation in raising the child;
  • Parental rights;
  • Paternity;
  • Adoption;
  • Marriage contract, development and maintenance of the conclusion and another.


Professional legal assistance of a family lawyer in Poland allows you to protect your client's interests as much as possible in the process of resolving a family dispute.