Literary translation

Written literary translation of literary works, books, journals and other.

Literary translation enables people who speak different languages to become acquainted with the works of world literature. Written literary translation is the most complex kind of translation. To translate literary text, and at the same time to comply with all the literary features of the material it is necessary to make great efforts and have talent. The translator must have a fine appreciation of all the emotions that the author was trying to convey for his reader. For most people who do not speak foreign languages, the cultural heritage of European countries becomes accessible due to the hard work of professional translators.

Literary translation languages:


  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Turkish
  • Polish
  • Czech
  • Greek
  • Lithuanian
  • Korean
  • Japanese


Literary translation supposes the creation by translator of an adequate counterpart of the original, which will be corresponding in linguistic and aesthetic sense.


Basic requirements for professional language translator:


  • translator must be familiar with the specifics of the mentality and culture of native speakers;
  • translator must have a huge vocabulary.
When creating a literary translation, translator must be able to comprehend and convey the psychology of the characters, show the author's philosophy, the wealth of thought the story saturated with, as well as to make the text clear, close and relevant to the modern reader.