Liquidation of a Company in Poland

Closing a business - liquidation of a company in Poland in a general manner and through bankruptcy, legal support in the process of liquidating a company.

Termination and closure of business, liquidation of a company in Poland, bankruptcy in Poland

Contacts in Poland:
+48 515 545 998

Liquidation services in Poland are provided by lawyers and accountants in many cities in Poland.


Closing a business - Liquidation of a company in Poland:



Many companies in Poland are inactive and this creates great discomfort for business owners, additional time and management costs. There are various options for the liquidation of companies in Poland (methods of closing a business in Poland): voluntary liquidation of a business in Poland, sale of a company in Poland with re-registration of corporate rights, suspension of the company.


Voluntary liquidation of a company in Poland can be carried out by decision of the owners of the Polish company about voluntary liquidation of the company at a general meeting of the founders. The decision to liquidate the company is notarized and appointed by the liquidator of the company. Within 15 days from the date of the decision to liquidate the company, a liquidation balance sheet is prepared, which is approved by the general meeting of the founders of the company. Then, within 7 days, the court registrar (KRS) is submitted with an application to start the liquidation process of the company with information about the appointed liquidators, the head of the tax service is notified about the beginning of the liquidation procedure. Then the creditors are notified of the start of the liquidation of the company (the publication of the announcement of the liquidation of the company and the offer to the creditors of the opportunity to state the requirements in a special batch publication - Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy). The deadline for submitting claims of creditors is 3 months. Necessary liquidation procedures, collection of receivables, payment of obligations, sale of property and more are also performed. Then, a liquidation report is prepared and approved at the general meeting of the founders of the company and a decision is made on the approval of this report and the closure of the liquidation procedure of the company, the location of the documents of the company is determined. Within 7 days after the approval of the liquidation report, an application is submitted to KRS to exclude the company from the register, the registrar enters information on the liquidation of the company in KRS. Urząd skarbowy filed a tax return on financial statements and a notice of completion of the liquidation process, an application to the tax office to remove the liquidated company from the register of VAT payers (VAT-Z form) (application is submitted on the official form), NIP-2 declaration for notification of change taxpayer status, GUS notice of termination of the company.


Stopping the company in Poland. It is necessary to submit to the state register the decision of the board of the company, applications and registration forms. The company can stop its activity for a period of up to two years, then it is necessary to resume the activity and submit financial statements to the tax authority. During the suspension of activity, the company cannot conduct business activities.


Sale of a company in Poland (spools) - transfer and renewal. This is a common way to get rid of the company, the obligation to maintain and administer the company. Selling a business is possible only if there is a buyer for the company or there is a person who wants to get this company for free. There is a great demand in the Polish market for companies that have had a large turnover of money in the account, companies that have a good credit history or licenses, companies that pay VAT. When buying a working company, there are risks: a problem with reporting, unpaid bills and more. And to make sure that the company is clean, you need to conduct an accounting and legal audit.


"Forget about the company" in Poland. In this case, there may be other consequences for the founders and the director (tax arrears and other payments, penalties, arrears to contractors under contracts, etc.). This option can lead to problems with the owner of the company when crossing the border of the European Union, the owner of the company may be brought to administrative, criminal or civil liability.