Legal support of companies in Poland

Legal support of companies in Poland for Polish and foreign clients.

Business lawyer support, Legal support of companies in Poland

+48 515 545 99

Law Office provides legal services to subscribers for companies (outsourcing), legal support for companies in Poland.


Business support - Legal services for companies in Poland:



Legal support of business in Poland reduces the cost of maintaining lawyers in the company, taxes, provides an opportunity to attract qualified lawyers to provide legal services in Poland. We provide legal services to clients when doing business for businesses and entrepreneurs. Our experts conduct legal due diligence, represent clients in the supervisory authorities and the court, represent the interests in international commercial arbitration, prepare contracts and develop various legal documents. Legal services for business in Poland are provided in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and English in cities of Poland.


Legal services for business in Poland:


  • Legal Advice to a business lawyer
  • Preparation of Legal Documents and contracts
  • Legal Analysis of Legal Documents and contracts
  • Legal Support when concluding contracts
  • Representation of Interests
  • Litigation works.


Legal services for companies in Poland, legal advice on doing business in Poland, studying contracts and other documents, assessing the judicial prospects of different cases, negotiations with contractors, out-of-court settlement of disputes.


Our lawyers and other specialists provide other services in Poland: lawyer services in Poland, business registration in Poland, immigration to Poland through registration of a company, obtaining documents, legal support of real estate transactions, services of a foreign language translation agency and other services.