Legal consultation in Poland

Legal consultation in Poland. Legal protection and lawyer services in Poland for citizens, foreigners and businesses.

Legal consultation in Poland, Legal services in Poland, lawyer services in Poland for citizens and international clients

Contacts in Poland:
+48 515 545 998

Lawyers in the Polish Law Office provide legal services in Poland to citizens and firms (legal advice in Poland, preparation of the legal documents, lawsuits, commercial contracts, marriage contracts, legal defense of interests in various types of legal proceedings in many Polish cities and abroad.


Legal protection and services - Legal consultation in Poland:



Polish lawyers provide legal services in Poland in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and English.


Representation and Legal Defense in Poland:


  • Polish Family Law in Poland, divorceinternational divorce, alimony, contact with children, deprivation of parental rights, preparation of marriage contracts, assistance in the division of property and inheritance under an agreement; Polish Criminal Law, representing the interests of victims in criminal proceedings, protecting defendants in a criminal case; Polish Inheritance Law, declaration of inheritance, registration of inheritance; Polish migration laws; business immigration; Polish Insurance Law, compensation for damage to property and compensation for damage to health from insurers, compensation from Auto Casco and civil liability of the perpetrator; Polish Civil Law; preparation of court documents: litigation, objection to the payment procedure, complaints, appeals and cassations, a statement on the resumption of proceedings; representation of consumers in disputes with entrepreneurs; representation of clients before bailiffs, appeal against illegal actions, complaints about the actions of bailiffs; enforcement of court decisions in Poland and decisions of foreign courts in Poland and abroad;
  • Polish Commercial Law, tax, commercial and administrative law, representation of clients in disputes with administrative authorities, administrative disputes in administrative bodies, administrative disputes in administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court, labor law (termination and termination of an employment contract, reinstatement, payment of wages and compensation), representation of employees in disputes with employers; preparation and issuance of conclusions on contracts, assistance in the conclusion and termination of contracts; conflict resolution; corporate law and Registration of Companies in Poland, disputes between shareholders, liability of board members for company obligations, bankruptcy and reorganization of companies, Liquidation of Companies in Poland, assistance in declaring bankruptcy; Tax Law in Poland; enforcement of court decisions; Intellectual Property in Poland, IP protection in Poland; Representation of client's interests in litigation in various categories; Sale of Companies in Poland;
  • Accounting Services in Poland for companies, entrepreneurs and citizens, preparation and submission of reports, maintenance of accounts, control of payment of taxes and payments;
  • Legal Support of Real Estate Transactions in Poland; real estate and construction, legal services in real estate transactions, determination of the legal status of real estate, procedures for registering plots, disputes related to claims of the parties in the process of investing and building, disputes regarding subcontracting of construction works and contracts for construction works, disputes under lease agreements; notary Services in Poland for companies and citizens, certification of rights, facts, transactions, contracts, agreements, registration of inheritance with a notary, certification of copies of documents and signatures, powers of attorney and other services;
  • Debt Collection in Poland, negotiations on settlement, support of procedures and proceedings, dispute resolution, litigation and enforcement proceedings; arbitration and commercial disputes in arbitration courts, representation of interests; law of obligations and debt collection in Poland; International Arbitration and economic disputes in arbitration courts, representation of interests; usługi mediacyjne in conflict resolution and more.