Debt collection in Turkey

Debt collection in Turkey. Working with debt and debt collection in Turkey regarding contracts with companies and obligations with private individuals, debt settlement, enforcement of court decisions on debt collection in commercial and civil disputes.

Debt lawyer in Turkey, debt collection in Turkey under contracts from companies, from debtors

Debt collection is a critical aspect of financial management for both businesses and individuals. It involves the process of pursuing unpaid debts and recovering them from debtors. In Turkey, like many other countries, debt collection services play a significant role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the economy. A debt lawyer in Turkey provides legal support on issues arising in the process of debt collection in Turkey from individuals and businesses through court, as well as in pre-trial (out-of-court) proceedings.


Debt lawyer and debt collection in Turkey:



Efficient debt collection services are essential for maintaining the financial health of businesses and individuals. Debt collection services help in minimizing bad debt, improving cash flow, and reducing the overall credit risk for organizations. Additionally, they provide a mechanism for debtors to fulfill their financial obligations, thus maintaining trust and stability within the economy. Debt collection from companies and individuals in Turkey is carried out based on contracts, promissory notes, and other grounds. Legal services in the process of debt collection in Turkey are provided in Russian, English, and Turkish. A lawyer specializing in debt collection and settlement of debt obligations in Turkey will provide legal assistance in resolving debt obligations through out-of-court proceedings and through court in Turkey.


Debt collection services in Turkey include:


  • Consultation on debt collection in Turkey.
  • Preparation of documents for debt collection.
  • Support for enforcement proceedings in Turkey.
  • Protection of interests in court regarding debt collection issues.
  • Representation of interests in the debt collection process and more.


The debt collection industry in Turkey is regulated by various laws and regulations to ensure fair practices and protect the rights of both debtors and creditors. The primary legislation governing debt collection services is the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law (No. 2004). This law sets forth the procedures for debt collection, including seizure and sale of assets, wage garnishment, and enforcement of court judgments.


Enforcement proceedings in Turkey are carried out by enforcement officers and other participants in the legal relationship regarding debt collection. Turkish legislation does not provide for the existence of an enforcement order from the court or any other body. To initiate the debt collection process, it is necessary to initiate enforcement proceedings. The claimant who wants to collect a debt must send a notice to the debtor demanding payment of the debt in order to subsequently have the right to claim interest (penalty) and penalties from the debtor. If the debtor does not repay the debt after receiving the notice demanding payment, the enforcement proceedings begin directly, and the enforcement officer sends an order to the debtor to pay the debt within 7 days (5 days for promissory notes). From the moment the debtor is notified of the obligation to repay the debt, if the debt is not paid within 10 days, sanctions are applied to the debtor, including the inventory and seizure of the debtor's assets, bank accounts, and material assets.


The debt collection services industry in Turkey comprises various stakeholders, including debt collection agencies, law firms, and in-house collection departments within financial institutions. These entities specialize in recovering debts on behalf of their clients, employing a range of strategies and techniques.


The Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) also plays a role in regulating debt collection activities. The BRSA oversees the debt collection practices of banks and financial institutions, ensuring compliance with ethical standards and consumer protection guidelines. Debt collection agencies in Turkey must adhere to these regulations to operate legally and maintain their credibility.